
everything... ☺☻☺☻ ♥

yes I know I forgot the questions for like 3 months or something... sorry about that!
So what was this week?
Monday - 1 hour delay
Tuesday - Friday - no school - because of the snow (a LOT of snow!)
I do have pictures, and I'll try to find my card drive, I'm really trying, but I have no clue where it can be... I looked almost everywhere ;|
The finals were pretty good... I got a 102% in Geometry, 86% in US History (90% for the semester grade) and I don't know the others yet.
I can't really tell you how Nutrition & Wellness is, because I only had it once for 32 minutes. It seems like a lot of fun, Emily said it's like study hall, just you cook, bake and eat ^_^ sounds good to me.
Today I had Lacrosse practice at 9 am. Kinda early, but it was so much fun ☻We took our picture... oh my gosh! Today of all days, I wasn't prepared for that... but it's not online yet.
And then I went sledding... it was so much fun, I bumped in a tree, and then Gillian came and got me in my back... don't panic, I'm fine, my hand just hurts a little! It was so much fun, I also have pictures of that... but like I said, G-E-D-U-L-D ;)

Okay I'm gonna answer the questions now:

1. How are you at the moment? Recovering from my sledding trip, but pretty warm and good (:
2. Gefaellt es dir? Was gefaellt dir/Was nicht?
It's so awesome! I learn so much and yes, it is so much fun!
I don't like Rootbeer... I do like snow (not too much, not too less), my family, school, friends, church, Lacrosse, shopping...
3. Heimweh? Nope
4. Was/wen vermisst du? Nelipeli ♥
5. Besuchte Restaurants/Shopping malls/stores:
Restaurants: Benihana (*), Kentucky Fried Chicken
Others: SmoothieKing, United Dairy Farmers
6. Wie stehts mit deinem Geld? super, I think, I don't know how much I have on my account...
7. Wie geht die Schule voran? Super, neu: Nutrition & Wellness
7a. Tests? Quizzes? Quests? Finals are finally done ;)
7b. How's the class? super
8. Kontakt mit Freunden/Verwandten/Familie: once per month/ email
9. Was wuenscht du dir fuer den naechsten Monat/Was fuer Ziele setzt du dir?
10. Upcoming events? Prom ♥, Super Bowl (a HUGE football game), hopefully the Lakota East - West Basketball game, end of month: Lacrosse tryouts
11. Activities (doing stuff with friends and family,...): sledding,
12. English? German? What's that? Just kidding, jk, jk (:
12a. comprehension: still getting better and better and better
12b. speaking: A lot of my family members and friends know that I don't write in German that much anymore, it's getting better, but
13. "feeling of the month": rollercoaster (Funmonday, Snow, Sick (~>cold), getting better, Awesome ) it stopped on the top ^^
14. "favorite quote of the month": "I love you!" by B. G. Dalley
old 15. Neue Merkwuerdigkeiten ich moechte das Wort Merkwuerdigkeiten mit Cultural Differences ersetzten
new 15. Not every street has street lights, American teacher don't complain if they have tons and tons of stuff to grade for the next day, however, they get it done! American restaurants offer you boxes to take your food home.
16. Was steht heute noch an? dinner
17. Was du unbedingt noch sagen moechtest: I love you!
18. Gruesse: an alle
19. Gaining weight? probably ^^
19a. How much? I dunno, I think I shouldn't know and you either ...
19b. What did you do against it? Lacrosse
20. Was nirgends reinpasst: I don't want to leave!! I have to on June 16th, back in Germany by June 17th.
21. Song of the month: Lovestory, Soulmate, Closer

* Benihana:
Is awesome!

Yesterday I got invited from Fyona, French exchange student (from Paris!) to her birthday party and it was awesome! We had Japanese food, unfortunetly I ate Pizza before, but I could take it home. I never ate Japanese before, it was so much fun! But I had to leave at 10 pm, because I had Lacrosse practice this morning. We had a good time!
And in the restaurant, there was a waiting area, first I thought, that is the eating area but it wasn't. Then 5 minutes later we got in, because it was Fyona's birthday, she got a pretty funny balloon hat and free ice cream (dessert). And then the show began!
They cooked our meals right in front of us! AWESOME! Okay, let me see if I can remember all parts of the meal...
1. soup
2. rice
3. shrimps
4. Zucchini
5. onions
MAIN DISH (I ordered fried noodles)
Dessert (ice)
Green Tea
I just ate a little bit, but now I have a lot to eat at home.
I took pictures (on Fyona's camera^^)... it tastes different, I think I would like it more, if I eat it another time! But it's healthy and low calorie so... ;)

Good bye! I'm gonna play with my sisters ♥
See you around... not really, let's pretend ☻
Yours, Julia


Christmas ~ January ~ Finals

Hey guys,
I know it's weird I write about Christmas after writing about New Year... I still write 1/DD/08 sometimes on my sheets ;)

Quick summary

Christmas #1, Dec 23
At our house, opening presents

Christmas #2 Dec 24
At Kevin's parent's house, opening presents

Christmas #3 Dec 24 (evening)
At Jenn's parent's house, one present (a christmas pajama for the night ;D)

Christmas #4 Dec 25 (morning)
First Breighton woke me up at 6 or 7, I didn't look at the clock, I just knew, I was tired, but that's okay, who wouldn't be excited for christmas? Opening presents, VERY good breakfast...

Food we ate (I don't know exactly which day):
Cinnamon rolls
a lot more good stuff (but I either forgot it or the name) That makes me hungry...
If I'll remeber anything else I'll write it the next time^^

Okay, I found the paper where I wrote down what to write here ;)

1. German club t-shirts are here. I'll make a photo.

2. Because of the finals I don't have time to upload my pictures (my chip is finally full :D)... and I - unfortunetly - waited too long, so now the finals are coming up and I don't have time... good excuse, huh? Jk Apropos camera, My screen is a little bit broken, there're some black things where they don't belong... don't freak out, mum and dad!

3. Oh, maybe I already wrote about that... we had a sub(stitude) (Vertretungslehrer/in) in US History and he said we had to outline a certain chapter, Mrs. Latessa said that... we were obidient, so we did it and the next day our teacher comes and she's like "thanks for doing it, but it wasn't required... thanks a lot! ^^ And he was totally serious while lying to us... not a very good rolemodel for a teacher...

4. My hair / Meine Haare / Mes cheveux
They are so long! Compared what it used to be... I should get my hair cut sometime... ^^

5.Carleigh's house again (from this point it's new again, that's why I started a new paragraph)
I'm staying with Carleigh again, because my family is out of town, in Florida, and because I'm getting out of school in March for one week for Florida and the finals are coming up, I didn't go with them. So I have to go to seminary (sunday school before school 6 am). It sounds more terrible than it is... it's actually not terrible at all... and you're not that tired in your first period. It's fun!

6. CPR / AED / First Aid
Hey Papa, you're gonna like that ;) I'm learning how to do CPR (compression and rescue breaths), AED and First aid from the American Red cross... it's fun... I'll get my certificate sometimes... ^^

7. Finals
My schedule is cool and not. I can leave at 12.30 or something like this, but I have to take my final exams for the first semester (first semester means I'm halfway through my year here, actually on my german sis' birthday, Jan 23 ): ) [ That's (http://lakotawesthigh.com/students/final_exam_schedule.html) my exam schedule.] 2 and a half hour each.

8. Lifetime Fitness changes to Nutrition and Wellness
Yes, LF is just a one-semester-class ;) It's gonna be fun. What I heard was no tests, no finals, cooking and watching movies.

9. I forgot to answer my questions for a long time... oh no... I'm sorry... I'll do it later, but my hands are freezing from all that typing...

Bye, have a good day ♥


Happy New Year!!

Hey, yes believe it or not, I didn't die yet, I'm still alive! I was just too lazy to write here... by the way, I have tons of new photos... I know you wanna see them, but my finals are coming up soon (okay, that's a very bad excuse, I had like weeks, months...) Sometimes, Sometimes, I promise! And if not during my year, then afterwards... but first of all, I need someone making me leave ;D

Okay, what's new? A ton of stuff, but I bet I'll forget more than the half of them.
I just kinda start with a list thing:

  • It's official, I'm at the Florida Trip 2009 from CETUSA, I got the mail two days ago! I'm so excited... I finally got my money out of the ATM... that was a drama... Sparkasse thinks there are tons and tons of Bank of Americas in America... Apparently... there are NOT! Oh how fun, the nearest one is 30 miles away (don't ask I have no clue how many kilometers...). But fortunetly we visited Jenn's parents on Christmas and the internet said that there's an ATM. Okay, we drove around and found the adress. Oh no... SHOCK! There's just a Chase ATM, but they kinda share their ATM so Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen! I got my money, I was happy.
  • "Remember, Remember, the month of December!" I changed this quote a little bit, for all those who remember... V wie Vendetta... Herr Schumann... ach ja das waren noch Zeiten ;P! December was kinda hard for me... Christmas, Silvester...all these very strong memories with my family. Apparently Americans don't celebrate Silvester ;( No Raclette, No Blei giessen, No Dinner for One, No neighbors... but I did have fun though ;) I went with my friend Carleigh to Courtney's house it was fun... she has a Wii (by the way, I fell in love with Wiis, aren't they amazing? ^^) And I almost won 1st place Mario Cart, but then Carleigh got me, and I was like 6th...but that's my best (: And we watched the Ball drop in New York. There's a ball, and it's like a countdown. It begins 11:59:50 PM (i think) and every second it gets a little bit lower...We had guys over and that's basically it... just hang out. Okay, we went to the trampoline at 10 pm and I couldn't fell my hands or feet anymore ...
  • Lacrosse... Okay, the real Pre-season starts in January, actually on Saturday. The first three "meetings", those were Pre-pre-season like conditioning and stuff. I'm so excited... I can shop for my very own Lacrosse stick soon ;D I don't know why I'm that excited, but I am... ;D
  • My final exams are coming up... third week of January... so much to study, even just in US History (294 Fill-in-the-blank-question without a given word bank... -.-) And then 6 more classes...
  • I forgot...
Happy New Year, I hope every one had a "Guten Rutsch" and a very good Year of 2008 (by the way, your only one xP)

Viele liebe Gruesse aus Ohio,