
Happy New Year!!

Hey, yes believe it or not, I didn't die yet, I'm still alive! I was just too lazy to write here... by the way, I have tons of new photos... I know you wanna see them, but my finals are coming up soon (okay, that's a very bad excuse, I had like weeks, months...) Sometimes, Sometimes, I promise! And if not during my year, then afterwards... but first of all, I need someone making me leave ;D

Okay, what's new? A ton of stuff, but I bet I'll forget more than the half of them.
I just kinda start with a list thing:

  • It's official, I'm at the Florida Trip 2009 from CETUSA, I got the mail two days ago! I'm so excited... I finally got my money out of the ATM... that was a drama... Sparkasse thinks there are tons and tons of Bank of Americas in America... Apparently... there are NOT! Oh how fun, the nearest one is 30 miles away (don't ask I have no clue how many kilometers...). But fortunetly we visited Jenn's parents on Christmas and the internet said that there's an ATM. Okay, we drove around and found the adress. Oh no... SHOCK! There's just a Chase ATM, but they kinda share their ATM so Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen! I got my money, I was happy.
  • "Remember, Remember, the month of December!" I changed this quote a little bit, for all those who remember... V wie Vendetta... Herr Schumann... ach ja das waren noch Zeiten ;P! December was kinda hard for me... Christmas, Silvester...all these very strong memories with my family. Apparently Americans don't celebrate Silvester ;( No Raclette, No Blei giessen, No Dinner for One, No neighbors... but I did have fun though ;) I went with my friend Carleigh to Courtney's house it was fun... she has a Wii (by the way, I fell in love with Wiis, aren't they amazing? ^^) And I almost won 1st place Mario Cart, but then Carleigh got me, and I was like 6th...but that's my best (: And we watched the Ball drop in New York. There's a ball, and it's like a countdown. It begins 11:59:50 PM (i think) and every second it gets a little bit lower...We had guys over and that's basically it... just hang out. Okay, we went to the trampoline at 10 pm and I couldn't fell my hands or feet anymore ...
  • Lacrosse... Okay, the real Pre-season starts in January, actually on Saturday. The first three "meetings", those were Pre-pre-season like conditioning and stuff. I'm so excited... I can shop for my very own Lacrosse stick soon ;D I don't know why I'm that excited, but I am... ;D
  • My final exams are coming up... third week of January... so much to study, even just in US History (294 Fill-in-the-blank-question without a given word bank... -.-) And then 6 more classes...
  • I forgot...
Happy New Year, I hope every one had a "Guten Rutsch" and a very good Year of 2008 (by the way, your only one xP)

Viele liebe Gruesse aus Ohio,

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hayy Julia...
How are you??
Mavh doch endlich mal neue Fotos in dein BlockXD
Oh my gosh
ich köbnnte es mir gar nicht vorstellen kein Sylvester zu feiren XD
Best greetings

Anonym hat gesagt…

juila, du doofe! hör auf von den fotos zu schwärmen, wenn du sie nicht reinstellst! naja.
Was ist CETUSA. Ich werds mal googlen.
hdl, anni

Julia hat gesagt…

Cetusa ist meine amerikanische Partnerorganisation ;) Sorry, i didn't mention that xP?

Anonym hat gesagt…

on wich days are you going to Florida
and in wich city
(Miami?!)Falls ihr zu den Everglades fahrt musst du mir unbedingt ein Foto von einem Alligator machen die sollen richtig cool seinXD

Anonym hat gesagt…

Schön, endlich eine neuer Bericht.Viel Spaß bei Lacrosse.hol dir das nächste Mal doch einfach Geld bei einer Bank in deiner Nähe.
gruß und Kuß UG

Anonym hat gesagt…

Good luck for your final Exams!!!